Friday, February 6, 2009


Hey sorry I haven't had time to blog in awhile. I've just been so busy of late. Right now I'm just sitting here in geometry typing this and it's kinda strange because if the person behind me turned around they could easily see what I'm typing. Anyway it's Friday so TGIF. The weekend can't come fast enough or last long enough for me. I can't wait to sleep in haha that's how tired I am right now. In other news tonight is stinky shoe which is the Mariner vs. Kamiak basketball game (Kamiak's going down or at least I hope so) but I haven't decide if I'm going or not. I live right across the street from school so I can just walk over there if I decide to go plus I'm ASB so I get in for free as long as I bring my ASB card for proof which is easy because it's in my pocket right now. Well it's not like any of my friends are going so maybe I'll just stay home. I don't know. There's also a pep assembly after 6th period today which is next since right now is 5th period (yep 6 comes after 5 aren't I smart? I can count! haha). I don't particularly care but it's not like I have a choice besides it means shorter classes for today so why not? I was just think about how many Kamiak friends I have lol I happen to have a lot. Weird. Although most of them go to my church like Stephanie and Felipe. If you can't tell I'm getting kinda random right now because I'm tired. Oh my schedule changed a little. I used to have first period health but now it's second semester and I have PE which would be ok except I hate running. Stretches and team sports are ok but I really hate running. Whatever I guess I'll just suck it up since I don't have a choice. In other news I have a huge research paper to write. 5 pages of nothing but stuff about the effects of climate change on animals. Well at least I got to narrow down my topic myself. That's why I picked animals. Also for the past two mornings I seem to have aquired a new ritual. Maybe. I don't know. Anyway so since I don't really want to show up to PE early I sit on some benches near the bandroom and for the past two days in the mornings I see one of the guys from my orchestra class. We have interesting conversations about weird muscle groups and what we were like in 8th grade and just what we were like in middle school in general. Well that's all the news my sleepy brain can think of so I'm going to log off the computer and just sleep until the bell or something and then get to Spanish. More later.

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