Tuesday, February 3, 2009

This week

Well this week is spirit week at school. Monday was black out day. That was fun. Today was sports day but I couldnt find my VT hoodie but I did find my huskies hoodie. Tomorrow's blast from the past day. What am I supposed to wear for that?!?! Thursday is class colors day. Since I'm a freshman our color is orange and I don't own anything orange. Friday is blue and gold day. That much I can do. Anyway in other news I had rehearsal yesterday for the symphony. It went well at least I think so. And yesterday was the beginning of the semester so one of the guys decided he wanted to drop out of orchestra. Since that particular guy was Colton and Colton really gets on my nerves I was happy that he left. Plus that meant I went up to 5th chair at least until tomorrow when we have a chair test. For now I'm sitting with my friend Catherine who's also in the symphony with me. I thought that would be fun. It's not. I mean I love her but shes distracting me. She keeps poking me with her bow plus she's used to sitting with our friend Katreen who doesn't have very good posture so she's used to having a project but I'm a chair above her (at least in class at the symphony she's a first violin and I'm a second because I came in in the middle of the year so that's where they had room for me) so my posture isn't perfect I know but it's pretty good because my private teacher that I had when I first began the instrument nailed it into my head. So now Catherine wants another project since it's a little harder for her to poke Katreen in the back. So now Catherine keeps swinging my scroll and my arm way out to the side where I can't see Angelos or Esther (the concert mistress) plus since my arm is swung out where it isn't supposed to be my sound is suffering too. And I can barely see my music so it's just not good. She's one of my best friends (I say one because I have many) so I know her intentions are good but the outcome? Not so much. Well when we have the chair test maybe I'll get Kenny as a stand partner instead and she can go back to working with Katreen.

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