Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Experience with the Four Year Olds

Well today is (as anybody who doesn't live under a rock knows) Sunday. Meaning church day. So usually I have a high school class that I go to called ASM but this week it was cancelled because almost everybody went to Rockridge winter camp up in BC, Canada but obviously I didn't go but I didn't really want to. Imean I can't ski or snowboard and I'm not willing to try my hand at breaking any bones so it seems pointless to go. So anyway instead I decided to help out at the nursery. I chose four year olds because they seem easiest because it's the oldest age in the nursery. Boy was I wrong! It was fun anyway but it's like watching a room full of time bombs you know? No make that a room full of time bombs inside bouncy balls because they were just everywhere! So I get there and first I hang out with the kids. You know help set up the doll house. Stuff like that. After that it's story time. Today's theme was families so they did a thing on Adam and Eve and Caine and Abel. This is funny. So the guy telling the story says: "Well after Adam and Eve had Caine God decided to bless them with another baby. Who was that baby?" Then one of the kids says: "Baby Jesus?" Kids! They say the darnest things! Also we were talking about grandparents and this little boy raises his hand and says: "I have an aunt who's 99 years old!" and the story teller asks if hes waiting for her to die and of course he says yes. That just cracked me up. So after that we sang the little kids songs including the head, shoulders, knees, and toes song. I now remember why I always hated that songs. It wouldn't be so bad except for all the motions. My God! so after song time it was craft time. The craft was a picture of a house with 4 little flap things and behind each flap is a picture of a member of their family. That went ok. Then it was snack time. There were Ritz crackers and water and while I was pouring water one of the boys was telling me about how many points he had on his Wii. Yeah too bad I can't really play Wii. I had to have a four year old that I babysat in October teach me how to play! Anyway after that there was more free time. Some of the kids wanted me to help with the doll house again so I did. One of the kids handed me a tray of fake food. It was soooo cute! And that concludes my time with the 4 year olds. You know what I also found out from the teacher I was sharing a table with at craft time? Her son is in the Everett Youth Symphony which is what I triedout for last Monday. Hopefully I get accepted but I haven't heard a thing yet so I'm getting kinda worried. Oh well. So it seems I have one reader at least. Thank you Pepper!

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